Anxiety Resources
Mindshift: A free app created by anxiety experts and designed to help teens and young adults cope with anxiety.
Smiling Mind: A free app created to help young children, youth, parents, and school professionals practice daily meditation and mindfulness exercises.
Headspace: A paid app designed for people of all ages to learn to meditate and live mindfully.
CALM: A paid app designed to help people sleep, meditate and relax.
Enhance your learning about anxiety (click on the links below)
Learn about the Fight-Flight-Freeze response
Learn about Exposures
Examples of fear ladders
Maximizing exposures for anxiety: article and interview
Learn about Family Accommodation
Evidence-based guidebook for parents based on the SPACE program
Excessive reassurance-seeking strategies
School Anxiety Resources
Podcast about school accommodations for students with anxiety and OCD provided by Dr. Juliana
Vaccination CARD Toolkit (Comfort, Ask, Relax, Distract) is a science-based, proven framework to help prepare children for stressful events, like school-based vaccinations, presentations, and examinations.
Webinar about School Refusal
Brain Health Videos
The Teen Brain by Dan Siegel
How stress affects your brain
The importance of sleep
Selective Mutism (SM)
SM Information:
Psycho-educational 10-minute video explains selective mutism and shows effective strategies that can be used by caregivers, teachers, and friends in various settings
Free phone-based coaching is offered by the BC government to families who have children between ages 3 and 12 years with mild anxiety symptoms.
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Panic Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder
Free Interventions
​My Anxiety Plans (MAPS): MAPS are anxiety management programs based on CBT, an evidence-based psychological treatment. You can choose from two MAPs - Children/Teens and Adults.
Confident Parents: Thriving Kids – Anxiety: A free coach-based program offered by the Canadian Mental Health Association in BC to help parents support their children aged 3-12 to manage anxiety.
Anxiety Canada: a nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase awareness and promote education about anxiety disorders, increase access to evidence-based treatment, and encourage and develop new treatments and delivery. Anxiety Canada has many handouts and video clips with experts in childhood anxiety explaining the different types of anxiety disorders with tips for children, adults, parents, and educators. Anxiety Canada also has other video clips with real students describing their struggles and ways they learned to cope with anxiety and a free online anxiety management program.
EASE (Everyday Anxiety Strategies for Educators):
For Educators: a collection of evidence-informed anxiety management and resilience-building resources for use with B.C. students in grades K-7. The resources use cognitive behavioural strategies to address the thoughts, feelings and behaviours associated with anxiety. These resources were co-developed by Dr. Juliana in partnership with Anxiety Canada and MCFD.
​For Parents: To help support learning across environments, fun and practical EASE lessons have been adapted for use by parents and caregivers to help children manage worries and anxiety at home.
Kelty Mental Health: An organization that helps families across the province navigate the mental health system, listen and offer peer support, and connect them to resources and tools.
Child Mind Institute: This independent, national nonprofit organization provides information about mental health disorders to families and educators.
Anxiety in the Classroom: Sponsored by the International OCD Foundation, this website offers helpful information, resources, and materials about anxiety and OCD as they relate to the school setting. It also provides specific tools for teachers, administrators, and other school personnel who may work with students with anxiety and OCD. Parents and students can also find tools and information to help them advocate for school accommodations, as well as to educate their teachers and classmates about OCD and anxiety.
Anxiety and Depression Association of America: This organization offers excellent information on anxiety strategies to be implemented at home and in schools and research-based information for children, adolescents, parents, and professionals.
Teen Mental Health: This interactive website provides mental health literacy for teens and school professionals, including slides and handouts. It has entertaining animations to help teens better understand mental health disorders.
Anxiety Booklist​